ODI – Research Fellow – Social Development

ODI (www.odi.org.uk) aims to inspire and inform policy and practice to reduce poverty. They do this by locking together high-quality applied research, practical policy advice and policy-focused dissemination and debate.

The Social Development programme is recruiting Research Fellows to work on gender empowerment and social exclusion; education and exclusion; evaluation and quantitative analysis. You will take leadership on key projects within the ODI’s portfolio, undertaking innovative research and analysis, and influencing the international debate through public affairs activities including publications, media engagement, speaking at conferences, and providing advice to governments and business at a senior level.

The postholder will also have the opportunity to develop their own research interests within the team’s broad areas of focus, including designing research projects, obtaining funding and managing resources for delivery.

Salary: £38,155 – £61,099

Location: London, UK

Application deadline: 11 September 2014

Read more and apply here.

Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/odi-research-fellow-social-development/

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