The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) is launching an open-ended selection procedure to create a pool of candidates from which the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the European Union (EU) can recruit contract agents. This call is open for registration as of 05 January 2017. There is no deadline for submitting applications (unless specified …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/call-for-expressions-of-interest-for-contract-staff-communication-fg-iii-fg-iv/

NOTICE OF OPEN COMPETITION – Accreditation officers/receptionists (SC 1/SC 2) – EPSO/AST-SC/05/16

The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) is organising an open competition, based on qualifications and tests, to draw up reserve lists from which the European Parliament will recruit new members of the civil service as ‘accreditation officers/receptionists’ (function group AST-SC). WHAT TASKS CAN I EXPECT TO PERFORM? The European Parliament is looking for accreditation officers/receptionists …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/notice-open-competition-accreditation-officersreceptionists-sc-1sc-2-epsoast-sc0516/

EPSO NOTICE OF OPEN COMPETITION – Linguistic Assistants (AST 1), Danish (DA), Irish (GA), Croatian (HR), Hungarian (HU), Maltese (MT), Dutch (NL), Slovak (SK), Slovenian (SL)

NOTICE OF OPEN COMPETITION EPSO/AST/137/16 — Linguistic Assistants (AST 1) for the following languages: Danish (DA), Irish (GA), Croatian (HR), Hungarian (HU), Maltese (MT), Dutch (NL), Slovak (SK), Slovenian (SL) (2016/C 151 A/01) Deadline for registration: 31 May 2016 at 12.00 (midday), Brussels time The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) is organising an open competition, based …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/epso-notice-open-competition-linguistic-assistants-ast-1-danish-da-irish-ga-croatian-hr-hungarian-hu-maltese-mt-dutch-nl-slovak-sk-slovenian-sl/

The Ultimate EU Career Development Book

What is the book for? Unlocking and developing the potential of staff is a challenge for all organisations, whether private or public sector. It is especially an issue for the EU administration given its relatively slow turnover of permanent officials and the scale and changing nature of the challenges its staff face. Staff selection for …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/the-ultimate-eu-career-development-book/

Open EPSO Competition – Project/Programme officers and advisers

The EU  Executive Agencies are looking for project/programme officers andproject/programme advisers to be recruited as contract staff. As project/programme officer or adviser, your tasks may include:    General programme management : grant cycle management and call for tenders management    Preparation of technical specifications for call for tenders    Evaluation, monitoring and promotion of calls …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/open-epso-competition-projectprogramme-officers-and-advisers/

Open EPSO Competition: Nursery Nurses/Childcare Workers

The European Commission (EC) is recruiting contract staff to work as nursery nurses/childcare workers. As contract staff in this field, you will look after and educate children aged 0-3 at the European Commission’s crèches in accordance with the educational programme. To apply for this position (function group II), you should have: relevant post-secondary education; or …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/open-epso-competition-nursery-nurseschildcare-workers/

EPSO: Administrators in the field of development cooperation and managing aid to non-EU countries

The European Commission is looking for administrators in the field of development cooperation and managing aid to non-EU countries to be recruited as permanent staff. As an administrator in this field, you will: analyse development-related issues and policies; develop national and regional development policies; identify, develop and manage development cooperation projects and programmes; manage budget support programmes; …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/epso-administrators-in-the-field-of-development-cooperation-and-managing-aid-to-non-eu-countries/

Booking of your computer-based tests – EPSO/AD/301/15

Booking of your computer-based tests EPSO – Administrators: generalists – EPSO/AD/301/15 The invitation to the tests with the booking link and detailed information will be published in the EPSO accounts of all candidates during the week of 04/05/2015. The booking period for the admission tests is planned to run from 06 May to 18 May 2015. The …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/booking-of-your-computer-based-tests-epsoad30115/

Open EPSO Competition – Parliamentary Ushers

The EU Institutions are looking for parliamentary ushers to be recruited as permanent staff. As a parliamentary usher you will assist Members of the European Parliament and other dignitaries during plenary sessions, meetings and events. To apply for this position. you should have: post-secondary education; or secondary education followed by at least 3 years’ relevant …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/open-epso-competition-parliamentary-ushers/

EPSO Competition – Heads of Administration in EU Delegations

The European External Action Service is recruiting Heads of Administration as permanent staff to assist Heads of EU Delegations in the day to day running of the Delegation. As a Head of Administration you will be responsible for: human resources and safety management; financial management and implementation of the Delegation’s budget; management of the logistics, purchasing …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/epso-competition-heads-of-administration-in-eu-delegations/