Research Consultant – UNDP


As we approach 2015, the cumulative experience of countries working towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), can be helpful in indicating priorities for action to accelerate MDG progress, complete the unfinished business of the MDGs, and transition smoothly at the country level to the implementation of a post-2015 development agenda. 
MDG progress at national levels has revealed disparities across population groups, provinces, municipalities and rural and urban areas. These inequalities are increasingly important in driving domestic efforts at eradication of the most pernicious social conditions – several tools including the MDG Acceleration Framework (MAF) are being used for this purpose. These, and other targeted approaches, will be important in delivering on a sustainable development agenda.
Country capacities to collect reliable and usable data improved over the MDG period, but much needs to be done to complete the unfinished business and tackle new issues of relevance to the implementation of a universal agenda.
As we have gained greater understanding of the MDGs over the past 13 years, we have also learnt about what we can do to hasten the implementation of the next global development agenda. While the agenda itself will only be determined in the coming months, there are several countries that are already seeking to achieve objectives that could well be part of the future agenda. These provide a valuable resource for policy learning, including how best a global agenda can support such home grown efforts, encompassing imperatives for reducing inequalities and promoting sustainable development.
In view to this, the Poverty Group, at the Bureau of Development Policy, is seeking to recruit a Research Consultant to support the preparation of research inputs and coordination of activities leading up to the publication and dissemination of knowledge products.
Duties and responsibilities
  • Provide research support and analysis of national development visions/strategies regarding countries’ priorities beyond 2015;
  • Support the finalization and publication of 3 knowledge products;
  • Provide technical support to select countries preparing MDG National Reports in 2014;
  • Support the drafting of knowledge products based on the analysis of existing MDG National Reports; and
  • Prepare fact sheets, blogs, and communication pieces about the MDGs as we approach the last 500 days – based on the lessons learned from the MDGs.

Location: New York, USA

Application deadline: 25 July 2014

Read more and apply here.

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