Procurement Officer – European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)

Type of contract:
Temporary Agent
Function group and grade: AD5
Duration of contract: 5 years, with possibility of extension
Department: Resources Department (Finance & Procurement team)
Place of employment: Paris, France
Deadline for applications: 12/06/2017 (23:59hrs, Paris local time)
Reserve list valid until: 31/12/2018
The Authority
ESMA is an independent EU Authority that was established on 1 January 2011. ESMA’s mission is to enhance investors’ protection and promote stable and orderly financial markets. This mission is derived from ESMA’s founding Regulation and encompasses three objectives:
- Investors’ protection: to have the needs of financial consumers better served and to reinforce their rights as investors while acknowledging their responsibilities;
- Orderly markets: to promote the integrity, transparency, efficiency, and well-functioning of financial markets and robust market infrastructures, and
- Financial stability: to strengthen the financial system in order to be capable of withstanding shocks and the unravelling of financial imbalances while fostering economic growth.
ESMA achieves its mission within the European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS) through active co-operation with National Competent Authorities (in particular with securities market regulators) as well as with the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA). ESMA has a unique position within the ESFS as it focuses on the securities and financial markets dimension and the overarching European aspects of these objectives.
Job framework and profile
ESMA is organising a selection procedure for the post of Procurement Officer. The selection procedure aims in recruiting a suitable candidate for the Finance & Procurement team within ESMAs’ Resources Department.
The Resources Departement is responsible for the Authority’s resources and support functions.
The Department is structured in four parts:
- Finance & Procurement team – preparing and implementing the budget and procurement plan, and ensuring that budgetary transactions are run in a sound manner and in respect of existing EU rules and procedures;
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Unit – preparing and implementing the ESMA’s IT strategic programme, as well as ensuring the implementation and maintenance of the IT systems and networks of the Authority;
- Human Resources team – supporting ESMA staff in all matters related to recruitment, payroll, individual rights and career development, and
- The Facility Management team – responsible for the smooth running of the facilities of the Authority and the acquisition of goods and services, in accordance with the EU public procurement rules and procedures. It ensures also the health, safety and security of ESMA staff and visitors.
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