Administrative Assistant – European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)

echa-logoThe European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is launching this call for expressions of interest in order to establish a reserve list for the following contract agent profile:

Administrative Assistant

The Administrative Assistant will work in the Directorate of Cooperation of the Agency in the Helpdesk and HelpNet Secretariat Unit, more specifically in the ECHA Information Desk. The ECHA Information Desk responds to questions of a general nature about ECHA’s activities, processes questions as received, handles telephone calls, and manages the library. In addition, the service acts as a central point of dispatch for requests addressed to the wrong entry point at ECHA.
The service is provided by a team of two in order for the telephone lines to be available during ECHA’s opening hours (09:00-18:00, Mon-Fri, except ECHA public holidays).
As a member of the ECHA Information Desk, the Administrative Assistant encodes questions as agreed with the relevant process owners, replies to General Enquires and supports customers via the phone while operating the switchboard.
The main tasks include the following:

  • Recording and dispatching of enquiries to the appropriate entry points at ECHA in accordance with ECHA’s internal policies and procedures as well as ECHA’s Code of Good Administrative Behaviour;
  • Responding to General Enquiries and providing customers with information on the status of their enquiries to ECHA;
  • Operating ECHA’s switchboard: responding to incoming phone calls, transferring calls to the appropriate service, ensuring that the telephone answering machine is operational outside ECHA’s opening hours and during ECHA’s public holidays;

Other tasks may include:

  • Mutually back-up of the Information Desk team member managing ECHA’s library (books and subscriptions), reports on activity and utilisation of the library, and who collaborates with the Corporate Services Unit on procurement of new books and subscriptions;
  • Serve as back-up for the secretary of the Helpdesk and HelpNet Secretariat Unit;
  • Perform other duties to the job.

Application deadline: 1 September 2014 at noon 12.00 Helsinki time (11.00 Central European Time).

Read more and apply here.

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