Youth Economic Empowerment Expert

UNDP is looking for a Youth Economic Empowerment Expert

undpThe YEE Expert will work under the supervision of the CTA of the UNDP Youth Economic Empowerment Project.

“Radio Yemen Times” is the first independent community radio station in Yemen run by youth under the umbrella of Yemen Times. Radio Yemen Times and UNDP will partner to launch the first youth-run weekly program dedicated to youth entrepreneurship and micro-and small business creation.

Specific objectives
  • To educate youth about the various alternatives for economic empowerment by themes (how to save, how to take up a loan, how to start-up your business);
  • To inspire the youth through presenting them with realistic solutions and success stories (examples of successful micro-and small businesses: entrepreneurs share their stories, reporters collect stories from the field);
  • To answer their specific questions through an expert present to answer their calls and Facebook questions;
  • To link them with business opportunities and potential investors (YEEP job placement initiative);
  • To help the youth associate with each other and create a community of Yemeni youth seeking to be empowered.

Location: Sana’a, YEMEN

Application Deadline: 18-Sep-13

Read more and apply here.


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