Survey on young people’s involvement – FutureLab Europe

Futurelab_Europe_logoFutureLab Europe is preparing a publication about young people’s involvement in the upcoming European Parliament elections and they need YOUR opinion.

The results will be discussed in Brussels at their Europe@debate entitled “Getting young people involved! Is the politicization of European elections enough?”.

…More about the event:

Against the backdrop of the ongoing economic, social, financial and political crisis, the public support for European integration seems to be ever diminishing. The widening gap between Europe and its citizens is especially visible when it comes to the young population. Having been hit hardest by the effects of the multiple crises, they feel helpless with regards to influencing the decisions taken. At the same time, young people are ever more disengaged and distrustful when it comes to traditional politics and policy-processes. The previous EP elections in 2009 saw an extremely high rate of abstention among young people, at 71% of EU average.

This apathy stems from a popular feeling of estrangement and widespread perception that the European Union and European Parliament do not sufficiently deal with the problems that affect young citizens and that their vote in the 2014 European elections will not change anything. A few weeks ahead of the 2014 European elections and bearing in mind the need to counter this trend, our Europe@debate “Getting young people involved! Is the politicization of European elections enough?” seeks to foster the political debate with a range of young candidates and MEPs about why young people should vote. Is the current politicisation of European elections a sufficient remedy to citizen’s discomfort with the European Union? What are the issues close to the hearts and minds of young voters? Are the candidates and the party programmes taking these concerns into account? What is their vision for the youth in Europe?

A presentation of the results from survey by FutureLab Europe will open the debate, raising the issues relevant from a youth perspective.

Read more and participate in the online survey here.

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