Support to media and access to justice actions – Zambia

eeas-logoSupport to media and access to justice actions

Empowering citizens so that they know, secure and enforce their rights

The Delegation of the European Union is seeking proposals for media and access to justice actions in Zambia with financial assistance from the 10th European Development Fund – Non-State Actors Capacity Building Programme. The global objective of this Call for Proposals is to enhance “public participation in democratic governance and to improve service delivery”. This (restricted) call is divided into two Lots with the specific objectives to:

  1. Support and strengthen NSAs capacities in the area of media development
  2. Support NSAs actions to promote access to justice

Particular attention should be paid to cross-cutting principles such as empowerment, participation and non-discrimination of vulnerable groups. The promotion of gender equality and women’s rights is fundamental.

The deadline for submission of concept note proposals is 1st December 2014, 16 hours local time.

Read more and submit a concept note proposal here.

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