Public Relations Officer – European Parliament

ep-logoThe European Parliament has decided to organise a selection procedure on the basis of qualifications and tests for the purpose of establishing a list of suitable candidates to fill two posts of:



1.   General points

The European Parliament has decided to open the procedure for filling two temporary posts of public relations officer (AD 5) — Directorate-General for Communication, Directorate for Information Offices, European Parliament Information Office in Germany (Berlin Office and Munich Regional Office).

The contracts will be concluded on an open-ended basis. Recruitment will be at grade AD 5, first step, the basic salary for which is EUR 4  384,38 per month. This salary is subject to Union tax and the other deductions laid down in the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (CEOS); it is exempt from national taxation. The successful candidates may, however, be recruited at a higher step, in accordance with their professional experience. Moreover, in certain circumstances allowances will be paid in addition to the basic salary.

The posts entail frequent travel between and away from the European Parliament’s places of work and involve frequent contact with people inside and outside Parliament.

The European Parliament is an equal opportunities employer and accepts applications without discrimination on any grounds such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status or family situation.

2.   Job description

The public relations officers, one of whom will be posted to Berlin and the other to Munich, will be responsible for performing, on the basis of programmes and priorities drawn up by parliamentary bodies and/or their superiors, the following tasks:

  • devising and implementing communication measures aimed at the general public, stakeholders, opinion multipliers, young people, civil society, schools, universities, etc.,
  • devising and developing communication and information tools: website and social media communications, audiovisual co-productions, publications aimed at the general public, etc.,
  • organising and managing the reception of visitors’ groups and individual visitors (coordination of the communication, administrative and budgetary aspects of visits, organisation of conferences for the general public or specific groups, etc.),
  • maintaining relations with MEPs, with people in national, regional and local political, institutional and administrative circles and with networks of correspondents in civil society,
  • organising communication activities in cooperation with partners in the context of interinstitutional communication,
  • contributing to the sound financial and administrative management of the information office, in accordance with the relevant rules,
  • supporting Parliament bodies when they carry out activities in Germany (presidential visits, parliamentary committee meetings/visits, etc.),
  • running and coordinating specific projects.

These duties call for the ability to anticipate and react to developments, communicate and process information, a highly developed sense of diplomacy, public speaking skills and the ability to liaise with a wide range of people from political, economic and social circles.

Application deadline: 2 March 2015

Read more and apply here.

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