Call for expressions of interest: Researchers – Function group IV – COM/1/2015/GFIV – Research

ec-logoEurope needs post-doc researchers…

You can apply to the selection if you are from the EU Member States and from Associated Countries: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Faeroe Islands, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Norway, Republic of Moldova, Switzerland, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey.

Educational requirements

A level of education corresponding to completed university studies of at least three (3) years attested by a diploma and

  1. at least five (5) years of professional experience in one of the fields listed below:
    – OR –
  2. a doctoral diploma in one of the fields listed below (see sections II and VI of the call):

Biology, Chemistry, Natural Sciences, Life Sciences, Biochemistry, Oceanography / Marine Sciences, Nanotechnology, Nanobiotechnology, Veterinary, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Sciences, Statistics, Material Sciences, Economics, Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Educational Sciences, Psychology , Geography, Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural Engineering, Meteorology, Ecology, Forestry, Geology, Hydrological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Pharmacy, Nutritional Sciences

Deadline: This is a continuous open call for researchers, thus, there is no deadline. When positions become vacant, JRC’s scientific units perform a search in the database for suitable profiles.

Nature of Duties

Research contract staff will, under the supervision of a senior scientist, carry out their duties as members of a research team. The duties may include dealing with matters relating to, for example:

– Laboratory work

– Modelling and simulation

– Software development

– Policy analysis

– The design and execution of scientific and technical research, experiments

– Ensuring availability of state-of-the-art scientific information and data in support of European research programmes

– Providing a sound scientific basis to support policy-making

– Writing, publishing and presenting scientific reports, articles and conference papers

– Supporting activities related to the management and follow-up of the use of results and their dissemination

– Supporting all activities related to the monitoring of good manufacturing, laboratory and clinical practices

– Maintaining contacts with national and regional authorities dealing with research issues in the European Union

– Participating in panels to evaluate research projects

– Identifying experts and panel members in the research field

Read more and apply here.

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