UN Volunteer Project Associate

unv_logoThe United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is the UN organization that promotes volunteerism to support peace and development worldwide.

UNDP is a key partner to the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GF) and is the UN agency assuming the role of temporary Principal Recipient of GF grants in “exceptional circumstances”. In its role as Principal Recipient, UNDP ensures quality financial management, timely procurement of supplies, and efficient monitoring and service delivery.

UNDP’s management role consists in implementing grants, ensuring financial accountability, and strengthening capacity of national and international counterparts for programme management and financial accountability.

UNDP has been requested by the Country Coordination Mechanism (CCM) in Guinea-Bissau and the Global Fund to assume the role of Principal Recipient for Phase II of the Malaria and TB grants, for which negotiations have entered the initial stage. The UNDP Country Office (CO) in Bissau will require urgent human and material resources for preparations and the initial implementation phase, in order to
address risks of stock-outs and treatment interruption and ensure continuity of the national HIV/AIDS response.

Under the guidance and direct supervision of the GF Project Coordinator, the UNV Project Associate provides support in execution of services in the Global Fund Project Management Unit (PMU), and supports the design, planning and management of the Global Fund Project by managing data and facilitating project implementation. The Project Associate promotes a client-oriented approach consistent with UNDP rules and regulations.

The Project Associate supports the Project Coordinator in all activities related to the Project. Under the supervision of the Global Fund Project Coordinator, the Project Associate works in close collaboration with the operations and programme teams in the CO and UNDP HQs staff to ensure good project management and progress toward achievements of outputs and outcomes.

The UN Volunteer will be placed at the UNDP Country Office in Bissau

to which she/he will directly report to UNDP Global Fund Project Coordinator. Moreover, he/she will work in close consultation with the National Malaria and TB programmes and other Health National institutions and the CCM (Country Coordination Mechanism).

Conditions of Service: Contract is issued for 12 months at a time (renewable depending on mandate, availability of funding, operational necessity and/or satisfactory performance). However, there is no expectancy of renewal of the assignment, in accordance with art. 5.4 UNV COS. Settling-In-Grant is provided. Monthly Volunteer Living Allowance (VLA) – intended to cover housing, utilities, and normal cost-of-living expenses – equivalent to US$ 2,138 for a single person; US$ 2,388 for persons with one dependant; and US 2,588 for persons with two or more recognized dependents. Life, health and permanent disability insurances are included, as well as periodic home leave, final repatriation, and resettlement allowance. UNV will provide a copy of the UNV Conditions of Service to the successful candidate together with the offer of assignment.

Type of Assignment: International UN Volunteer

UN Strategic Framework: Delivery and use of basic services enhanced at sub-national levels through volunteerism (Outcome 2)

Duration: 24 months, with possibility of renewal

Location, Country: Bissau, Guinea-Bissau

Application deadline: 19 January 2014

Read more and apply here.

Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/unv-project-associate/

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