Vacancy Notice N° o34/2017
Senior Project Officer (Grade B5)
Directorate General of Democracy (DG II)
Job Mission
Under the authority of the Head of the Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and of the Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes, based in Luxembourg at the European Institute of Cultural Routes, the position-holder will carry out the activities included in the Council of Europe’s 2017-2020 Grant Agreement with the European Commission (Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy – DG REGIO), “Fostering regional development through transnational cultural routes, heritage policies and practices”.
For this purpose, the Senior Project Officer will be responsible in particular for the co-ordination of activities, for the planning and organisation of all operational activities and for administrative and on-the-ground follow-up under the project. He/she will be designated to assist in the design, management and implementation of the project in accordance with guidelines and priorities. This person will have knowledge in the fields of cultural heritage and regional development and will be responsible for the overall coordination and implementation of the activities carried out, according to deadlines and approved procedures, and will participate in the Steering Committee meetings. This work will entail intellectual input as well as technical and logistical organisation skills.
The duration of the project is of 12 months (full time) and is subject to the signing of the Grant Agreement with the European Commission. The contract might be prolonged according to the progress of implementation of the Grant Agreement and for a maximum duration not exceeding the end date of the Grant Agreement.
Key Activities
The incumbent performs the following key duties, in close co-operationwith the Executive Secretary:
- contributes to the drawing up and updating of project workplans and a calendar of activities concerning different chapters of the description of action under the programme;
- organises activities, participates in project meetings and events and undertake follow-up action as required;
- monitors progress, evaluates results, identifies appropriate adjustments, if necessary, and ensures project reporting, including financial reporting, to meet contractual obligations;
- supervises and coaches team members;
- prepares reports and other documents related to the project objectives, in particular intermediate and final narrative report of the action, in accordance with European Commission / Council of Europe requierements;
- prepares and ensures control and follow-up on budgetary and financial issues related to the project activities in accordance with CoE regulations and procedures as well as partner/donor requirements;
- liaises and co-ordinates with stakeholders (cultural routes, other international organisations, national representatives, private tourism organisms, etc.) on the implementation of specific project activities (eg. training courses, conferences, visibility events, website developments);
- contributes to raising the visibility of the project by disseminating information to those concerned, including using social networks, websites and mailing lists, and ensures adequate information flow between project stakeholders and relevant partners and experts;
- carries out allocated assignments for other activities organised by the European Institute of Cultural Routes;
- undertakes official journeys in connection with the activities described above;
- follows up work or activities in progress;
- acts as liaison between management and staff; maintains internal and external contacts with counterparts in other commissions, committees and international bodies relevant to the above activities;
- reports to the supervisor on activities in progress and if and when problems occur;
- promotes Council of Europe values internally and externally.
Please note that the incumbent may be required to perform other duties not listed in the vacancy notice.
Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes
Closing date: 03 November 2017
Location : Luxembourg