European Charlemagne Youth Prize – Application Open

European-Charlemagne-Youth-Prize-eu-charlemagneyouthprizeAbout the Prize

The European Charlemagne Youth Prize” aims to encourage the development of European consciousness among young people, as well as their participation in European integration projects.
The Prize is awarded to projects undertaken by young people which foster understanding, promote the development of a shared sense of European identity, and offer practical examples of Europeans living together as one community.
“The European Charlemagne Youth Prize” is awarded jointly and annually by the European Parliament and the Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen.

The prize for the best project is €5000, the second, €3000 and the third, €2000. As part of the prize, the three final laureates will be invited to visit the European Parliament (in Brussels or in Strasbourg). Also, the representatives of all the 28 national projects selected will be invited to a four-day trip in Aachen, Germany.
The prizes for the best three projects will be presented by the President of the European Parliament and representative of the Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen.

Submission deadline 25th January 2016!

Read more and apply here.

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