2 Junior Experts – Air Protection

The Policy and Legal Advice Centre (PLAC), Serbia is recruiting

Project background and description PLAC (scope of the work)

The scope of this assignment is to assist the Project in its objective to improve the current system for legal approximation process and the level of harmonisation of the national legislation with the EU acquis, thus contributing to a fundamental element of the EU integration process. Further improvement of the European integration structures, including in key line ministries, strengthening verification of the compatibility of government policies and draft legislation with the acquis and EU integration requirements, improving legislation quality, and enhancing cooperation among line institutions are key priorities. The project will assess and enhance the concrete and systemic integration of the transposed acquis in the national legislative framework. To that regard, line institutions at Government central level and the Parliament will be involved through specific assistance. When a plan or a strategy for harmonisation is developed, the project will contribute implementing it. The sustainability of results, including ensuring the necessary capacities for implementation and follow-up, will be specifically in focus.

Brief description of the assignment:
The Republic of Serbia recently amended the Law on Air Protection adopted in 2009, adopted the Regulation on emission limit values of pollutants in the air and the Decision of the Council of Ministers transposing the Energy community directive. This legislation shall be further harmonized to fully comply with the EU acquis, particularly with the Directive 2001/80/EC.

Three new draft regulations that shall replace the Regulation on emission limit values of pollutants in the air are under construction, namely: Regulation on emission limit values of pollutants into the air from combustion plants,
Regulation on emission limit values of pollutants into the air from the stationary pollution sources other than combustion plants and Regulation on the measurements of the emission of pollutants into the air from the stationary

The experts shall analyse the state of the play in the respective area, including draft legislation, and help Serbia to fully transpose the European Energy Community on the basis of the Decision of the Council of Ministers on the Energy Community through a new Regulation on emission limit values from combustion plants.

Also, Serbia decided to develop the National Emission Reduction Plan (NERP), on the basis of the Law on Air Protection. The experts shall support the NERP drafting, on the basis of the relevant Serbian and EU legislation.

At present, there is one ongoing assistance project, namely: Technical support for IED implementation –IPPC, until September 3rd 2014(IPA Technical Assistance Project “Law enforcement in the field of industrial pollution control, prevention of chemical accidents and establishing the EMAS system uropeAid/131555/C/SER/RS” funded by the European Union). There is no overlapping of activities.

Place of assignment: Belgrade, Serbia

Working language: English

Application deadline: 16th April 2014

Read more and apply here.

Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/2-junior-experts-air-protection/

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