Technical Assistant – DRC, Burundi and Tanzania

ec-logoIn order to facilitate and to maximise the impact of the humanitarian operations financed by the European Union in DRC, Burundi and Tanzania and of the EU civil protection activities coordinated by the European Commission, the expert will be appointed to the post of humanitarian Technical Assistant (T/A) in DRC by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection – ECHO.

The expert will be based in Bukavu, DRC. He/she will be required to carry out regular missions to identify and assess humanitarian needs and to monitor programmes in the abovementioned countries. At the request of ECHO Brussels, the expert may also be called upon to carry out missions linked to his specific responsibilities to neighbouring countries or to Brussels, and should be prepared to react to a current or evolving crisis in any other region in the world following a request by DG ECHO Brussels.

Office location: Bukavu, DRC

Position: Technical Assistant (DRC, Burundi and Tanzania) 

Deadline for application: 17 January 2013 

Read more and apply here.

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