Institutional Donor Manager – EC (EuropeAid/DevCo, ECHO and other DGs)

vso_logoVSO is the world’s leading independent international development organisation that works through volunteers to fight poverty in developing countries by delivering innovative development programmes in 36 countries around the world.

VSO is looking to recruit a skilled donor manager

with extensive EU experience at funding/project management level to help significantly grow their global income from this donor and develop/nurture partnership-making funding opportunities. The successful candidate will be providing EU intelligence, donor specific capacity building and related support to VSO’s global and in-country programme and funding teams to ensure increased access to EU sourced funding, improved contract management capacity and donor representation. S/he will duly represent VSO in EU-related fora and ensure contact and knowledge management across the organisation. The successful candidate will be part of a dynamic team of expert donor managers and will be working with colleagues across the organisation to promote engagement with donor in portfolio. In particular, s/he will be working closely with the EU Partnerships Manager based in Brussels to develop and deliver an EU engagement strategy for VSO globally.

Based in: Kingston upon thames

Salary: £40,000

Closing date: 14/10/2013 12:00

Interview date(s): 21 October 2013

Read more and apply here.

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