War, Peace and Journalism

War, Peace and Journalism
Perspectives from Asia

eias-European-Institute-for-Asian-StudiesWednesday, 14 May 2014 from 11:45 to 14:00
at EIAS, Rue de la Loi 67, B-1040 Brussels

To mark the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I, the European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS), in cooperation with the University of East Anglia, is organizing a seminar focusing on war, peace and journalism from an Asian perspective.
The importance of media coverage, as a key element that forms public opinion, will be presented by academics; experts and journalists from both Asia and the EU. Since conflicts and national riots in Asia are frequently in the spotlight, news reporting can face hard times when issues such as freedom of speech and censorship remain sensitive. The challenges involved in covering conflicts in such a complex region are formidable, and heavily influenced by demands of disparate ethnic, religious and political groups. Some countries see the media as partners in the process of national development. Reportage of conflict also has international implications, mainly related to foreign aid and investment.

This seminar will take a look at the way present-day conflicts – such as the political crisis in Thailand; Afghanistan or the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan – are covered by the media.

Register for the event by Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Read more and register here.

Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/war-peace-journalism/

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