Mastering European Telecoms Regulation

When: October 23 – 25, 2018

Where: Brussels, Thon Hotel EU

Understand all you need to know about EU telecoms regulation in our three-day telecoms masterclass. You’ll gain a historical perspective on how the European communications sector has been regulated, as well as insight into the new trends and topics having an impact on telecoms regulation today. Also available is a complementary one-day seminar on competition law in the sector, which looks at how key concepts, such as the abuse of dominance and merger control, have been applied in the telecoms sector.

Topics covered include:

  • EU policy goals for the telecoms sector
  • Regulatory frameworks, rules and reforms
  • Broadband access regulation
  • Mobile regulation
  • Radio spectrum policy
  • Net neutrality

Read more and register here.


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Mastering European Postal Regulation

When: October 2 & 3, 2018 Where: Brussels, Thon Hotel EU The postal sector is changing fast. In our two-day...
