ICCROM Internship Programme

International-Centre-for-the-Study-of-the-Preservation-and-Restoration-of-Cultural-Property-ICCROM-logoIf you are a graduate in archaeology, architecture, art history, conservation/restoration, engineering, library science, museology, public administration or urban planning, you may be interested in undertaking an internship at International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM). The programme is open to candidates from ICCROM Member States.

Internships are undertaken in association with one of the priority areas underway at ICCROM at the time of holding the internship. Applicants must specify the priority area with which they wish to work if accepted. Internships may also be undertaken with our Knowledge and Communications Services (comprised of ICCROM’s archive, library and office of communications).

The applicant’s academic background, interests and career plans are taken into consideration as well as the statement justifying the request. ICCROM staff members supervise interns. At the end of the internship, the intern will be asked to make a presentation to all staff on the work undertaken.

Candidates are expected to have a good knowledge of one of the two official languages of ICCROM (English and French).

ICCROM will host a maximum number of four interns per calendar year, each of the internships lasting normally for a period of two to six months. After acceptance, ICCROM will help interns to obtain the necessary documents to enter and temporarily reside in Italy and to find reasonable accommodation. Interns, however, will be responsible for their own medical insurance which is compulsory.

Due to the current budgetary constraints, from January 2011 ICCROM will not be providing financial support for Internships.

Application deadline: 11 September 2015

Read more and apply here.

Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/iccrom-internship-programme/

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